
members only

CN and i went on hiatus with a vengeance today, slouching in (accidentally) perfectly coordinated black and beige around the Mission in SF. we thrifted some and resisted others, we walked and (half of us) skateboarded, we ogled haircuts on BART.  and, we ate:
F R J T Z (590 Valencia)
  • Belgian Frjtz french fries, with barbeque sauce and spicy honey mustard
  • 'Pissarro' savory crepe (artichokes, cheddar cheese, green onions shallots, fresh basil, chicken sausage)

 R I T U A L (1026 Valencia) --> Gibraltar, twice over

H U M P H R Y   S L O C O M B E (2790 Harrison Street)
  • Blue Bottle Vietnamese Coffee
  • Secret Breakfast
  • Lagunitas hop stoopid ale

P H I L Z (1600 Shattuck)
  • Philtered Soul/Silken Splendor
  • Turkish/Sumatra

   it was a very good day. not to mention- at last, -MEMBERS ONLY!

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