
Coffee Rant #1.5

hello! rp is absolutely right about her coffee recommends, and also about the fact that she is not to be mistaken for a coffee connoisseur. naturally, rp is one of the most epi-curious personalities around these parts, but she is far from an authority in the art of The Coffee.  let us all stop for a moment and take a look at a real coffee wizard: me!

allow me to introdue The Trio.  each of these is an absolutely essential piece to the development of a java virtuousa such as myself.

1. Y U B A N: words cannot express how... useful this vivid roast is in the groggy mornings. top-notch!
2. M A R K E T   V A R I E T Y: my pride and joy, suffused with a sweet french vanilla essence, and may i point out the double- no, triple -redsticker markdown.  this, friends, is a treat reminiscent of the very finest exotic coffee served at the silken-clothed tables of royal French cafes.  a masterpiece.
3. C O F F E E   M A T E: coffee, mate. fairly bursting with its own cunning description.

of course, all this is brewed to perfection in the most elegant of glass/plastic fusion tea pots. and, YES!, i am fully capable of the most imaginative of combinations as well! ah, please, sit everyone, sit back down. leisurely applause will do just fine. i am but a humble maestro, but call me a savant if you REALLY must.


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